Eden is for delicious food and even more delicious experiences


“Open Air”@




  1. a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.

  2. a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life.

We’ve all fallen in love with the romance attached to food. From the dirt to our prep tables. From the foaming butter basted on our foraged chanterelles, to the finishing salt on the plate. Or just the act of serving a piece of ourselves for the nourishment of others. But, just like any form of love, we have to make sure our cups are filled, as we fill others. Can’t pour on E. Well actually you can, but shit aint healthy. Its a destructive, and abusive cycle which erodes the romance we once had for this industry, into stone. Finding a solution to the foundational issues takes a lot of digging. We want this site and Eden as a whole to encourage the excavation of our industry through conversation and open dialog. Come link with us, well make some food, crack a few beers, and figure out the best way to push the culture forward.

It’s our responsibility to push the culture forward. To evolve as humans. Even if that means addressing the elephants, and breaking cycles to create new ones.

We can and should embrace the role of troublemakers in our industry. Most people don’t have the freedom to do so. Lets not forget the leverage we have. This train stops for good if we get off. No thought provoking, revolutionary actions occur by playing by the rules. And lets be frank. Have those who hold the keys been playing fair?

Thought provoking, and engaging dialog is a tool. How much time are we going to spend on technique? How many times am I going to see Copy+Paste recipes and photos? Capturing inspiration is different than just repeating what’s “trending”. Its ironic how what looks good to the eyes is very rarely what feels good to our souls. Isn’t that the goal? Feeding our bodies and minds with what it needs to keep going? Feeding and nourishing those around us, isn’t that where the romance is derived from? So while we continue to push ourselves make great food, we have to hold ourselves accountable towards the evolution of our culture in this industry.